Sofia Kovalevskaya
This website was created by four high school students at Providence Academy. During the process of researching and delving into the life and discoveries of Sofia Kovalevskaya, the students decided that facts and information do not fully express the valuable experience and lessons taken from learning about this unique and influential person. The following page is solely devoted to videos made by these students, interviewing people on their outlook of Sofia and what they have taken from this experience. Inspiring and heartfelt, these opinions came directly from the view of the students and teachers, unmasking the effects of Sofia’s influence and greatness. In addition, these students also visited a nearby grade school and shined the light of Sofia, spreading her legacy to others.
During the making of the project, the students decided that a website is not as effective as teaching others. So Sophia, Madalyn and Megan visited a grade school and spread the light of Sofia by sharing her story with other students of all ages.
Teaching students
at a nearby school about Sofia
Sophia explains how we all judge and have misconceptions that lead to demeaning other people. No one should be classified and judged based on their gender, color, race, beliefs, or appearance.
Sophia Horinek
Providence Academy Student '16
Megan explains how Sofia's determination can be applied to all people, not just Sofia. She gives an example from her own life of her band accomplishments as well.
Megan White
Providence Academy Student '16
Madalyn tells the story and the facts of how Women's rights in Russia affected Sofia. How did Sofia rise above this barrier and what did she accomplish? Watch to find out!
Madalyn Tomaschko
Providence Academy Student '16
Megan looks at Sofia as a role model as she heads off to college. She admires how Sofia never let anything get in the way of pursuing her dream.
Megan Healy
Providence Academy Student '16
Don't know how to pronounce "Kovalevskaya"? That's ok. Hopefully after watching these mixups, you will feel like you can pronounce it like a pro...